Children Grow

Trinity United Methodist Church
Children's Sunday School For All Ages at 9:30 PM (Room numbers listed below)  
 "God Squad" is at 10:45 PM for kindergarten - 5th grade children who worship at 9:30 AM Contemporary worship in Room 300.

Emphasis is placed on communicating the faith through biblically based curriculum.
Infants -- Room 210
Toddlers -- Room 206
Nursery 2 (2 years old by Sept. of the current year) -- Room 201
Nursery 3 (3 years old by Sept. of the current year) -- Room 201
Pre-K (Nursery 4 & Jr. K)
(4 years old by Sept. of current year and have not entered K) -- Room 208
Kindergarten -- Room 108
First Grade -- Room 100
Second Grade -- Room 304
Third Grade -- Room 300
Fourth Grade -- Room 301
Fifth Grade -- Room 302
Our facilities accommodate the needs of the physically challenged child. Elevators, restrooms for the handicapped, and hearing devices in the sanctuary pews assist the physically limited. Trinity recognizes the special needs of the mentally and emotionally limited child to be involved in Sunday School classes. In all but the most severe circumstances, children are "mainstreamed" with their peers.