Where is Trinity United Methodist Church located?
903 Forest Avenue in Henrico, Virginia. It is approximately three blocks south of Patterson Avenue between Stuart Hall Road and Rock Creek Road.
What times are worship services held on Sundays?
8:15 AM (traditional), 9:30 AM (contemporary), and 11:00 AM (traditional)
Does Trinity offer contemporary worship?
Yes, The Trinity Praise Team leads contemporary worship at 9:30 on Sunday mornings with upbeat contemporary Christian music.
When is communion available?
Trinity offers the sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of every month. Communion is also offered during several other special services as part of the seasons of the Christian calendar. During Communion, Trinity offers the option of gluten-free bread for those with allergies or special dietary needs.
Who can be baptized?
The United Methodist church baptizes persons of any age. For those who are able to speak for themselves, anyone who repents of his or her sin, and seeks to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior may be baptized. For infants and children who are unable to speak for themselves, at least one parent or other guardian who professes faith in Christ should be present. For infants and young children, the parent(s) take vows on behalf of the child, which vows the child agrees to at his or her confirmation.
For more information on baptisms at Trinity, please email pcadden@trinityumc.net.
How do I go about becoming a member of Trinity?
Please contact Rev. M. Thomas Lott, Associate Pastor, if you are interested in joining Trinity, or simply check "Wish to Join" and provide your contact information on the friendship pad in the pew on Sunday morning, and Thomas will be happy to contact you.
Does Trinity provide a mid-week program?
Every Wednesday evening we have “Wednesday Fellowship Night” (WFN) dinner that is served from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Come and join your church family on Wednesday night. Adults are $8.50, Seniors are $6.50, & Children are $4.00. Family maximum is $25.00.
What music opportunities are available?
We have a comprehensive music program with age-specific activities. Music opportunities span worship, performance, instruction, and entertainment. Trinity currently has choirs for persons of all ages. In addition, we have bell choirs, chimes, and an instrumental ensemble. Contact our Director of Music, Charles Staples.
For Contemporary worship opportunities email Evan Taylor.
Does Trinity have a weekday preschool program?
Yes. Trinity’s Preschool provides comprehensive programs for children, ages 1 to 5. The Preschool strengthens the family as it helps children grow mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually.
For more information, click here or contact our Preschool Director, Carole Smith or our Assistant Pre-School Director, Mary Jones at 804-288-6058.
What assistance is provided for the physically challenged?
We care about those with handicapping conditions. We provide wireless hearing devices, enlarged copies of the worship bulletin, and large-print Bibles. The entire building is equipped to provide access for wheelchairs. We also have a special phone number available for homebound members to use on Sunday morning in order to hear our worship service.