
Trinity United Methodist Church

Help is on the way! (And not a moment too soon.)

Join us at Trinity for an Advent that really matters!

Breaking news! Good news! All is not lost.
There is hope – hope for the world and hope for you. Life can be different. This year rediscover the joy of Advent and Christmas.

to worship

Worship with us this season!

Blue Christmas Service
Join us on Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. This quiet, contemplative service is for those who are grieving, have suffered loss, or who are just feeling down this Christmas season.

A Service of Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 13, at 8:00* and 11:00 AM This is a traditional service telling our story with music and Scripture. *Note special time!

Christmas Eve Worship
Celebrate Christ’s birth at Trinity. We offer four worship services on Thursday, December 24, for you and your family.

4:00PM Family Service — Las Posadas
6:00PM Contemporary Service
8:30 and 11:00 PM Traditional Services

to study & serve

Advent offers opportunities to both study and serve.

2015 Children’s Advent Food Drive
Each Sunday in Advent children are invited to bring food items to ensure our Sherbourne community neighbors have enough this winter.

Gift Tree
The Trinity MISSION KIDS are sponsoring a church-wide Christmas mission project to benefit the children in the Manchester community of South Richmond/Central UMC. Return wrapped gifts by Wednesday, December 9 to Leila Denton’s office.

Advent Offering
God’s gift to us in the Christ Child inspires us to share with others. Offer your heart and your gift in our 2015 Advent/Christmas Offering.

Advent Devotional
Unto us a Child is Born, Daily Advent Meditations and Prayers by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Complimentary copies will be available at the entrances to the Sanctuary throughout Advent.

And don’t miss our Children’s Advent Calendar as well.

for children & youth

Help your kids experience Advent!

Advent Adventure — Advent begins with Adventure!
Sunday, November 29, 5:30 - 7 PM. Craft an Advent wreath, enjoy a festive meal, and rejoice as we celebrate the first Sunday in Advent with inspiring worship featuring the Children’s Choirs. $10 per adult, $8 per child (2-8 years old), $30 immediate family limit.

Christmas Caroling
Join the whole church family for caroling Sunday, December 6, from 1:15 – 3 PM. Meet in Trinity Hall.


Manger Build
Calling all Dads and Grandads! Bring your children/grandchildren to Trinity Hall on Saturday, December 12, at 10:30 AM, and build a manger. Manger kits will be provided. A $20 donation is requested.

Children’s Christmas Pageant

The Children’s Christmas Pageant is Sunday, December 20, at 4 PM. Come learn the story of Christmas as told by our children. All children are welcome to participate, contact Leila Denton today!

Youth Christmas Extravaganza
Come at 4 PM Sunday, December 20, dressed in your most festive Christmas sweater to watch the Children’s Christmas Pageant! Then at 5 PM, we’ll head down to Eaton Hall for the Youth Group Christmas Party!

Christmas Eve – Family Service – Las Posadas
Our Family service (December 24 at 4 PM) is relaxed and designed with young children in mind. This year we will celebrate Las Posadas, an interactive service with the old Spanish custom of remembering Mary and Joseph seeking shelter in Bethlehem.

For further information about Children’s ministry activities and opportunities, contact Leila Denton at, 288-6057, x208. For information about youth ministry activities, contact Brian Clayton at, 288-6057, x207.

Christmas Eve Worship
Celebrate Christ’s birth at Trinity. We offer four worship services on Thursday, December 24, for you and your family.

4:00PM Family Service — Las Posadas
6:00PM Contemporary Service
8:30 and 11:00 PM Traditional Services